
Episode 14: I Lose You!

I Lose You ...is my 6th-grade-English equivalent to "I'm losing you", the distress signal we use to mean there is a broken-line communication problem. In this case, thanks to Audacity editing I was...

Episode 11: The Broken One

In which Alan & Antonio deal with strong cellular deficiency And they talk aimlessly about connection (quite rightly) and other high-level stuff. Hello, planet Earth, do you hear? Instead of ...

Episode 9: Black holes and links

At last I get to work on the latest, ninth episode of The Puerto Rico Connection. But on the New Media class on Thursday 25th, there was no connection. Alan tried his best to give a talk to my stu...

Episode 6: Reclaiming The End of Semester

This podcast is being published after quite some time from its recording, due to Antonio's Reclaiming The End of Semester (hence, the awesome title). Not only did he take a long free time with his...

Episode 4: Twenty Minutes From Stardom

Now that Alan and friends (see bottom of post…) are very busy in Guadalajara doing murals and tacos and working breathlessly with the faculty at UdG, I think I can really take the chance t...
